5:06 pm
Summer 2019 has been a busy one!
Classes have been packed and everyone has been training hard even in the nice weather!!
As summer is coming to a close, we have lots of upcoming events. Please take a look and mark them in your Calendar:
Sat August 17: Sparring day @ Fifth Round. Open to all gyms and affiliations. Novice-pro experience. Come out and have some good rounds!
Annual Summer Shutdown:Fifth Round will be CLOSED Aug 28-Sept 2. We will reopen Tuesday Sept 3 with our Fall Schedule.
Fall Schedule will be released shortly. There will be only a few changes but be sure to check here for updates. Keep in mind that we are changing the schedule based on lower attendance classes, so if you want a class to stay on the schedule make sure you attend it during the month of August.
Saturday Oct 26 Fifth Round will be hosting Anuwat Kaewsamrit and Kru Jeang Kaewsamrit Muay Thai Seminar. It will be a 6hrs seminar, only 40 spaces , $100. If you register before aug 24 you will receive a free t-shirt. To register email info@fifthround.ca