2:12 pm
Fifth Rounders 2016 has started and its going to be a big year for us.
This year we are emphasizing are commitment to ALL our members (Rec and comp team). We have already hosted 2 Goal Setting Sessions and if anyone who missed them would like to do one please speak with Kru Joe.
Here are some of things going on at Fifth Round:
-New Schedule has been made and will go into effect Mon Jan 25
Changes include:
-Day Time Beginner Muay Thai
-Womens Only Boxing
-Womens Only Cardio Thaiboxing
-More Clinch Sparring Classes
-Time changes to Saturdays classes
-Kaewsamrit Thailand Muay Thai Training (Kids/Adults) this class will be Thailand style training same as they do at Kaewsamrit Gym in Thailand (Skipping with big rope, shadowboxing, freestyle bag work, freestyle pads, boxing sparring, technique muay thai sparring and conditioning.
***2016 Dress Code is in EFFECT You must have one piece of Fifth Round Clothing (Kaewsamrit clothing is considered FR Clothing) We have updated our Online Store, added new gear and have lots of gear in the Pro Shop check out the online store http://fifthround.spreadshirt.ca/
***We now have a new referrer contest that runs all year long and in conjuction with any other referral contest we have going on.. We have a referral board located in the lobby every time you refer a new member and they sign up you will receive $. The more people you refer and sign up the more $ you receive. Refer you friends and get your name on the board!!!
***Saturday March 5 we will be hosting an Inhouse Event at our gym. This will included food, drinks, prizes and live Muay Thai demos.. I encourage everyone on the Comp Team to compete on this events and also and newer students who would like a shot at competition to speak with Kru Joe. This will be the 1st Night event we have ran and the proceed will be going towards gym upgrades….
***COMP TEAM we have a HUGE list of upcoming events from now up until July. Time to get into Fight Ready Shape and commit to events… Speak To Kru Joe our first WKF event is in Peterborough Feb 20 who wants to FIGHT????
***NOTE: when bad weather happens please check the website and the Facebook Page for updates on Class Cancellations and gym closures.