11:04 am
October was a very busy month. Here are some of the October highlights:
-We have many new students at the gym please welcome them to the TEAM
-Adam Yousef picked up the win at the WKF Halloween Havoc Show Oct 30 vs Rockey of Guelph MMA please congratulate him.
-Kru Joe went and fought in mexico for the WKC World Professional Lightweight Muay Thai Title. After a CLEAR win, there was a mix up and they gave his opponent the win. After deliberations, appeals, the judges ALL gave Kru Joe the win 49-45. He is now deemed the winner and champion. Please congratulate him and watch the fight video on FB to see for yourself.
-We had a very successful Night of the Ninja Halloween Sleepover. The kids had a blast!!!!
-We had several members received awards from the City of Stratford for winning Championships this year.
-Membership Referral Contest on till DEC 1
-Kru Joe and Shelby are heading to Thailand to train and fight out of KAEWSAMRIT GYM.. With HUGE fights that will be announced shortly.